Soil & Water Conservation Districts Qualifying Period June 13-17
The Association of Florida Conservation Districts (AFCD) was formed in 1937 in conjunction with the Soil and Water Conservation Law. According to AFCD, “Soil and water conservation districts were serve as a liaison between federal government and local landowners in order to address local conservation needs.”
The qualifying period for these boards begins on Monday, June 13 and ends on Friday, June 17. Florida Farm Bureau encourages involvement in these local boards by active members to ensure agriculture has a seat at the table.
In regards to qualifications, the candidate must be a registered voter of the county and live within boundaries of the water management district. The candidate must be actively engaged in agriculture as outlined by the statute. The candidate must also be employed by an agricultural producer. Lastly, the candidate must own, lease, or be actively employed on land classified as agricultural users.
If elected, the candidate serves a four-year term in office with no compensation.
Contact Charles Shinn at 352-316-2685 or [email protected] for additional information.
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