Perdue Tours Hurricane Sally Damage in Panhandle
October FloridAgriculture eNewsletter
U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue, accompanied by Congressman Matt Gaetz, toured the agricultural damage from Hurricane Sally on September 28 in Santa Rosa county.
Santa Rosa Farm Bureau Board Member Ryan Jenkins toured federal officials through the damage before a town hall with Sec. Perdue and Rep. Gaetz with roughly 60 Florida Farm Bureau members. Questions from producers covered timely delivery of disaster relief, permissible use of pesticides, trade mitigation, and dysfunction in DC.
In spite of the circumstances, Florida Farm Bureau welcomed the chance to speak directly with Secretary Perdue on the frequent issue of disaster relief, and will continue to engage meaningfully with USDA and the Farm Service Agency to address ongoing challenges.
A special thanks to the Jenkins family for hosting the event on their farm, and to the Florida Peanut Producers’ Association for supplying drinks and peanuts!