FFBF Provides Comments on 2024 Water Resources Development Act  

July 2024 FloridAgriculture eNewsletter

Florida Farm Bureau Federation has submitted a letter to Chairman Sam Graves and Ranking Member Rick Larsen of the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure regarding the markup to the bipartisan 2024 Water Resources Development Act of 2024 (WRDA).  

This letter was requested by Congressman Daniel Webster (R-FL, District 11).  The letter’s goal is to showcase a broad coalition of stakeholders who support WRDA before the June 26 markup. 

“In Florida, Everglades Restoration is a great example of collaboration and bipartisan cooperation,” said Lance Watson, FFBF Director of National Legislative Affairs. “Since its inclusion in the WRDA 2000, Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan (CERP) and Everglades Restoration projects have had staunch support from utilities, municipalities, environmental organizations, agriculture and other key stakeholders. The strength of Everglades Restoration has come through extensive local, science-based, inclusive planning efforts that yield project designs that are broadly supported. We greatly appreciate the agricultural community being considered and heard in the WRDA 2024.” 

The Water Resources Development Act is important to members for many reasons. It authorizes projects to improve inland waterway navigation, flood and storm protection, and other aspects of our water resources infrastructure. Additionally, it delivers regional and national benefits for strengthening our global competitiveness and supply chain, growing the economy, moving goods and allows our inland waterways to move products and commodities more efficiently to markets 

Florida Farm Bureau submitted a letter on June 17, 2024. Members are encouraged to contact Director of National Affairs Lance Watson, with any questions or concerns.  

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