EPA releases PIDs for cancelation of Acephate, Captan, Ferbam, Thiram, and Ziram

August 2024 FloridAgriculture eNewsletter

The Enivronmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released Proposed Interim Decision (PIDs) for the cancellation of Acephate, Captan, Ferbam, Thiram, and Ziram. This proposal is the result of a pesticide review that takes place every 15 years to stay in compliance with FIFRA.  

After the PID, a proposed decision will be published, followed by a final rule. If these chemistries are canceled, growers will be left with less tools to combat diseases, which thrive in Florida’s conditions. With the loss of dicamba earlier this year, the integrated pest management (IPM) tools that producers have are dwindling. Florida Farm Bureau opposes this cancellation because of their role in a variety of crop production in the state.   

More information regarding these chemicals as well as comments provided by Florida Farm Bureau can be found here 

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