Get Recognized at the Florida Farm Bureau State Annual Meeting

We’re looking for video submissions surrounding #StillFarming and Farm Bureau Gives Back efforts for use at the Florida Farm Bureau Annual Meeting and during the AFBF Convention and on digital platforms.

We’re looking for on-the-farm videos of members and/or member families saying their name, state and that they’re #StillFarming (they can add in what they grow as well). We’d also like to add a component of county food donations. This could be in the same video or you can include an #FFBGivesBack separate video.

Video Guidance 

  • 30-60-sec video clip
  • Recorded with a cell-phone
  • Recorded horizontally (landscape)
  • Remember to wipe your camera off before filming
  • Background: Natural lighting, farmland, animals, barns, etc. (avoid filming anything inside)
  • Make it a family affair (we welcome you to include family or kids in the video)
  • Can be shared with Florida Farm Bureau via Dropbox or any other video sharing platform (if the file is too large to send via email)
  • Example:
    • “Hi, I’m Jane and we’re the Smith’s, #StillFarming in Florida.”
    • “Hi, I’m Matt and we’re #StillFarming potatoes in Florida— working hard to feed our family and yours”
    • “Hi, I’m Beth and we’re #StillFarming in Florida where farmers have donated $$ and XX pounds of food to those in need throughout the state.”
    • “Hi, I’m Joe and we’re #GivingBack in Florida where we have donated $$ and XX pounds of food to those in need throughout the state (or name county).”