Be the Voice. Live the Legacy
Blair Beauchamp
Levy County Farm Bureau President
Elected as president in November of 2019, Blair Beauchamp is proud to represent farm and ranch families throughout Levy County. Beauchamp is a 5thth generation Floridian, raised in Chiefland. His family grew peanuts, watermelon and raised beef cattle.
Prior to becoming president, Beauchamp served as a member of the Board of Directors for Levy County Farm Bureau.
Today, he and his wife, Tammy, own and operate W.O. Beauchamp Farm, named after his late grandfather, where they grow watermelon and raise beef cattle. The two earned a CARES award for their Best Management Practices in 2017.
Tammy is the bookkeeper at Beauchamp farm and also works for nearby Alliance Dairy.
“One of our events we are most proud of is the Youth Speech Contest we sponsor every year,” Beauchamp said. The Youth Speech Contest takes place in the fall every year and the winner presents their speech at the Levy County Farm Bureau Annual Meeting.
Beauchamp explained that LCFB offers scholarships to young people interested in pursuing a degree in agriculture.
“Our goal for this coming year is to bring more awareness to people in the community that Farm Bureau has more to offer than just insurance,” he said.
“We want to get the word out their Florida Farm Bureau Federation is an advocate for grassroots farmers. Being a part of Florida Farm Bureau gives farmers like me the voice we need in Tallahassee.”