FFBF Takes on DC MAY 8-10 For Annual Fly-in

FFBF Takes on DC MAY 8-10 For Annual Fly-in Roughly 100 members of Florida Farm Bureau will travel to Washington, D.C. next week for an annual effort to bring agricultural issues to congressional offices. This year, the Florida Farm Bureau Young Farmers and Ranchers leadership team will join other members in issue briefing sessions, Hill [...]

By |2019-03-25T15:47:07+00:00April 27th, 2018|Florida Farm Bureau|Comments Off on FFBF Takes on DC MAY 8-10 For Annual Fly-in


GROWER INPUT NEEDED ON BMPS UF/IFAS researchers at the Southwest Florida Research and Education Center would like to better understand Best Management Practices (BMPs) used by growers in your area. Growers provide a public service by performing these practices at their own cost. This survey asks questions about which BMPs you are using for different [...]

By |2018-04-27T11:12:41+00:00April 26th, 2018|Florida Farm Bureau|Comments Off on GROWER INPUT NEEDED ON BMPS


FARM RASIED | FARM PROUD District 2 Brenda Gayle Land, State Women’s Leadership Committee Representing Liberty, Gadsden, Franklin, Wakulla, Leon, Jefferson, Taylor, Madison, Hamilton, Suwannee and Lafayette Counties. Brenda Gayle Land serves as the District 2 Representative on the Florida Farm Bureau State Women’s Committee. The Lafayette County native was born in the small community [...]

By |2019-03-25T15:47:07+00:00April 4th, 2018|Florida Farm Bureau|Comments Off on FARM RASIED | FARM PROUD

Water Troughs Can Spread E. Coli

Water Troughs Can Spread E. Coli Cornell University researchers have reported a study that shows a link between water troughs on farms and the spread of E. coli through beef cattle. Led by a veterinary college faculty member, the team found evidence showing fluctuations in the degree of risk. The pathogen was more prevalent during [...]

By |2019-03-25T15:47:07+00:00April 4th, 2018|Florida Farm Bureau|Comments Off on Water Troughs Can Spread E. Coli

Agri-Science Is Overlooked In High Schools

Agri-Science Is Overlooked In High Schools A new national survey indicates that just 22 percent of high school teachers incorporate agricultural science into their lesson plans. Nearly half of the teachers report that less emphasis is placed upon agricultural science now in high school classrooms compared to 15 years ago. Sponsored by Bayer in collaboration [...]

By |2018-04-04T11:12:51+00:00April 4th, 2018|Florida Farm Bureau|Comments Off on Agri-Science Is Overlooked In High Schools
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